Volnteer in comunity project

1. Kuza Cave

Project Goal:

Establish Kibigija’s ‘Panga na Maji’ (Cave with Water) as a tourist attraction as a  partnership between Natalie Denmeade and Kibigija Village.

Project Objectives:

  • Introduce visitors to the culture and sacred spaces in Kibigija, Jambiani
  • Create local employment and training focused on Kibigija residents
  • Provide financial support for Kibigija Education projects, starting with Kibigija Nursery School expansion

.Building the bridge to a new life .. the first guests enter  Kuza Cave Nzige and Hassan (You had to climb down a tree before this momentous day)

Main Steps involved

✓ Meet with Kibigija Sheha (Chief)  and Village representatives

✓ Discuss the project goals with local and state government authorities

✓ Clear the road, pathway and bridge to the cave

✓ Create and print posters and flyers to promote the new tourist attraction

✓ Create and finalise the contract