Tours Zanzibar Jambiani Stonetown Tanzania

2. Swahili Coast history research

Project Goal:

Find local and online resources about the history of Kuza Cave, and Zanzibar. Present this information in a way tourists will enjoy and understand.

Project Objectives:

  • Interview local people about the sacred caves in Kibigija, Jambiani
  • Locate academic research  on Jambiani, Kuumbi Cave and the Swahili Coast
  • Present this information in speeches, posters and images
  • Train local people to share this information with tourists

Main Steps involved

✓ Meet with Kigigija Sheha (Chief)  and Village representatives

✓ Discuss the project goals with local and state government authorities

✓ Clear the road, pathway and bridge to the cave

✓ Create and print posters and flyers to promote the new tourist attraction

✓ Create and finalise the contract

History of Zanzibar

Tours Zanzibar Jambiani Stonetown Tanzania